DayLight Fireworks
The difference between a normal firework, people know, is,
that this special kind of firework is fired up in broad daylight,
but with smoking bombs and parachutes. We can also launch
bombs with special motifs like harlequins, soccer players,
flag chains, and many more, which are special made for such
Motif Bombs
You can have this bombs in the calibers 100 to 300mm. These
bombs draw various effects in the sky. Following effects
are available: Heart, Heart in Heart, Saturn, Satellite,
Mercedes Star, VW Logo, Ring, Double Ring, Triple Ring, Smiley,
Spiral, Quadrangles, Octagons, Spinning Ring, Balloon, rising
Balloon, Cat Face, Montgolfiere, Burning candle, Wedding
Rings, bombs with calibers 50, 60, 70, 80, and many more.